Friday, January 16, 2009

In Between

Shame on me, hardly any blogging activities in weeks...I know. But I promise, it will get better again and I will post a long report beginning of next week...
For today I just wanna introduce to my / our new housemate: Nea

She is supposed to annoy and banish our other rather less cute housemates - a couple of big and hungry long as we were believing that we have only mice in the kitchen but no rats, we could easily handle it. Unfortunately it came the day where we had to admit that these tails a just too long for ordinary mice....rats are in da house! So we got a cat....rather a baby one, hardly bigger than a rat but it seems to work and the rats I have to manage not to let the kitten die since André left for two weeks holidays in Germany today and I have the responsibility... keep the fingers crossed!

This is obviously not one of the rats from our kitchen since they are firstly still alive and secondly hard to snap, but when I found this one on the street in downtown Freetown, I thought it would at least give an impression of what I am struggling with....enjoy, hihi!

More next week, wish you all a great weekend...


Anonymous said...

*puke*... not the kitten but the rat. but let me tell you that lotti once had a big one in his office in berlin. so rats are everywhere... you can hardly get rid of them. but anyhow: good luck also for the cute little cat :D

a big hug!
Kathrin (back in freezing berlin)

P.S:: i didn't manage to sent you a postcard from RSA ... sorry. but I'm keen to see if your strange address will work, so will send you one from berlin soon :)

Unknown said...

Oh, such a lovely name! :)